Sunday, March 15, 2015

Fairy Lake Botanical Garden

Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden built in 1983 is a renowned botanical garden and scenic area, and functions as a center for scientific research, education and tourism. There are more than 6,200 species of plants preserved in different divisions, such as International Ex Situ Conservation Center for Cycads, International Magnolia Garden, and Rare and Endangered Trees Garden etc. In order to better develop the botanical garden, a plant sample exhibition hall, where over 70,000 samples are displayed, has been established.
The whole garden is separated into six major scenic areas, namely, the Paradise on Earth Area, the Fairy Lake Area, the Temple Area, the Desert Landscape Area, Petrified Forest Area and the Conifers and Azalea Area. And many Chinese classic garden buildings are distributed randomly in these areas, like Jade Belt Bridge, Liangyi Pavilion, Longzhun Tower and Lansheng Pavilion. Beside, the Palaeontological Museum is also located inside the garden, exhibiting all kinds of fossils.
Paradise on Earth Area includes Shade Plant Garden, Butterfly Orchid Garden and Rare Plant Garden. Heavenly Pool is a part of this Area. The spring water of Phoenix Tree Peak flows into the pool. A legend goes that once there was a beautiful phoenix inhabiting a phoenix tree beside the Heavenly Pool surrounded by green mountains, and the pool with limpid water attracted many fairy ladies to bathe and play here. No wonder that people call it Paradise on Earth.
The Fairy Lake is surrounded by unique garden sceneries and rare plants. The attractive landscape wins great praise from visitors. The water in the Fairy Lake is also from the spring in the Phoenix Tree Peak. Sitting beside the lake, visitors can appreciate the sceneries and enjoy fishing.

Buddhism Developing Temple (Hongfa Temple) is located in the center of the botanical garden. In the south stands the Phoenix Tree Peak. And in the north lies the Fairy Lake. Buildings in the temple are splendid and refulgent. As one of the centers researching and spreading Buddhist culture, this temple attracts thousands of monks and Buddha followers each year.
Fossil Forest Area includes Paleontological Museum and Peach Garden. First built in 1997, the fossil forest covers 20,000 sq meters (about 23,920 sq yd). There are over 500 fossil woods, which are introduced from Liaoning, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia. The fossil wood was formed in the Mesozoic era, when nearly all the trees were imbedded under the ground as a result of the movement of continents. After millions of years, these trees turn into fossil woods. As the world’s only fossil forest in ex-situ conservation, this is a good place to learn the origin and history of lives. The greatness and grandness of the fossil woods really give all visitors a great shock.
Paleontological Museum is a multifunctional museum which collects researches and displays the fossil samples of animals and plants. Looking from a distance, you can see the shape of the museum is like the skeleton of a giant dinosaur. It is in this museum that over 9,000 fossil samples are collected. The museum is divided into three exhibition areas: fossil wood exhibition area, animal fossils exhibition area and plant fossils exhibition area.

Besides, there are other scenic spots in the botanical garden. Such as Sightseeing Pavilion, Dragon Tower, Jade Belt Bridge, Double-Harmony Pavilion etc. The botanical garden is like a botanical kingdom, in which numerous plants present unique charms.
For more information, please visit

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