Friday, March 27, 2015

Foshan Ancestral Temple-----"Oriental Art's Palace"

Foshan Ancestral Temple is a Daoist temple in Foshan, Guangdong. It was first built in the Song dynasty during the reign of Emperor Zhezong, and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty (1372). The temple was mainly used as a place where sacrifices to the Xuantian God (the God of Water in Taoism) occurred.
Located in the downtown of Foshan Chencheng, the Ancestors' Temple covers an area of about 3,500 square meters (0.85 acre) and has a series of well-built architectural features such as the Wanfu Stage, the Lingying Archway, the Bell and Drum Tower, the Jinxiang Pool, the Sanmen Gate, the front and main halls and the Qingzhen Tower.These buildings are mainly located on a north-south axis.
The Wanfu Stage is at the southern end of the temple and it is used as the performance stage of the Yue Opera (the local opera house). The Yue Opera originated in Foshan. According to the local tradition, the new troupe must put on the first performance on the Wanfu Platform. The Lingying Archway, built in 1451, is opposite to it.
If you continue walking north, the Jinxiang Pool with stone carvings in it will appear in front of your eyes, while the Bell and Drum Tower stands next to it. To the north of the Jinxiang Pool is the Sanmen Gate. Crossing it, you will reach the front hall where sacrificing occurs to some gods Taoist gods. The main hall built in 1372, is the most important building in the Ancestors' Temple, for the local sacrificial activities are held in it. In the middle of the main hall, there is a statue of the Xuantian God with the gilded head, knees and feet.
The Ancestors' Temple shows that the local people hope to get good blessings by worshiping the gods. On the other hand, it reflects the famous foundry and potting handicraft industry in Foshan history. In turn, the refinement and beauty of its architecture reflected of the prosperity of ancient Foshan. In deed, it's a precious historical heritage of Foshan. Therefore, Ancestral Temple is granted the reputation of "Oriental Art's Palace" by visiting foreign friends.
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