Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Shenzhen Splendid China

Located next to China Folk Culture Villages and the Window of the World, Splendid China and is an attraction at the Overseas Chinese Town. It reflects the history, culture, art, ancient architecture, and customs and habits of various nationalities in China. It is one of the world's largest scenery parks in the amount of scenarios reproduced. The park is developed and managed by the major travel and tourist corporation, China Travel Services.
Here you can see replicas of many of the most famous Chinese buildings and landmarks and a great deal of attention have been paid to detail so as to ensure the miniatures truly represent their originals. This has entailed making full use of the services of architectural specialists and landscape experts who are actively engaged with research and conservation at the actual sites that have been replicated here. The exhibits are surrounded by pleasant gardens with many flowers and trees. Consequently walking there can be very relaxing. Apart from the miniature buildings and scenic spots, one may see over 50,000 ceramic figures in the different locations. Splendid China is divided into two parts, a Scenic Spot Area and a Comprehensive Service Area.
The Scenic area of the park is comprised of major Chinese architectural works. Visitors will experience miniature Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of Xi'an of Shaanxi province, the Forbidden City in Beijing, three sections of the Great Wall of China, and the Old Summer Palace. All the replicas are perfect copies with much attention paid to detail. For example, the Forbidden City replica includes pictures of Emperor Guangxu and his much-celebrated marriage. The Great Wall replica includes detailed color and bricks the size of matchboxes. All the masters are fully carved with the same construction and materials as the original. The Old Summer Palace replica shows a recreation of the complete and original royal garden.
In the service area, you may taste the distinctive flavors from a variety of parts of China. Here you will find an excellent selection of souvenirs. Tourists can have a good assortment of handicrafts and local specialties to choose from. 
All in all, this attraction is worthy of your visit. For those who are Chinese culture enthusiasts a visit will give a further understanding of China. Whatever your interests, Splendid China will not disappoint you.
For more information, please visit www.top-chinatour.com

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